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    corporate sustainability

    For us at STARKS doing business in a sustainable way is the only way acceptable. This requires a strong and conscious commitment to align words with actions. 


    Sustainable business the STARKS-way means:

    • Conscious office organisation (remote-first, digitisation, driving electric, minimising resource consumption, recycling);
    • Mindful choice of partners and clients (focusing on alignment on values first);
    • Social engagement.


    We strive to minimise our ecological footprint and at the same time contribute where we can to solutions of the climate problems. 


    By partnering with GoForest, up to this moment we have planted over 1700 trees in the regions where they are needed the most and where they have the greatest ecological impact. By planting the right tree species in the right place, the deforested areas are reforested, the local populations are supported in their livelihood and extra jobs are created. Next to planting trees, GoForest also supports projects that prevent tree clearing and works towards the adaptation of regenerative agriculture in Belgium and France, which also speaks dearly to us at STARKS


    To learn more about GoForest, visit their website: 


    STARKS. Lawyers for sustainable business.

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